Salt – APKICON.COM Free Download App & Games Latest For Android Mon, 11 Dec 2023 10:20:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CPU Load Generator APK Download Latest v1.0.1 For Android Mon, 11 Dec 2023 10:20:05 +0000 Read more]]> CPU Load Generator APK – Let’s discuss CPU Load Generator APK, a tool you can use to test your PC’s speed, which allows you to simulate heavy CPU usage. CPU Load Generator is discussed in this article, including its features, testing scenarios, and moral implications. It demonstrates how it can be used to find performance problems and keep systems stable.

About CPU Load Generator APK:

Look no further if you are looking for a way to limit-test your device CPU. It creates CPU load for your central processing unit using Salt’s CPU Load Generator, a free-to-use tool.

Each Android Service is dedicated to computing random data, which is how it accomplishes this. Depending on what you need, you can turn on and off how many Services run at once.

An easy-to-use CPU usage test app, CPU Load Generator delivers a streamlined and straightforward interface with little storage requirements. There is a risk of overheating, however.

What is CPU Load Generator APK?

There are many applications for CPU Load Generator. Benchmarking your device using it will allow you to measure CPU speed and device temperature. A device’s survival or gameplay performance depends on these two crucial criteria.

Alternatively, users can force their CPUs to reach temperatures used to solve unrelated problems by forcing their CPUs to overheat. An Android Service is opened to compute a Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) using a 2MB buffer and a simulated load generator.

Your device continues to be pressured as it calculates and fills itself with random values. Toggle devices on and off as needed to use up to 16 devices. You should use it with caution since it generates a lot of load on your device. If you don’t close the Services on time, you’ll experience lag and freezing on your device.

Heat is produced by your CPU as it overworks. Your CPU can be irreparably damaged if left unattended. As far as the app itself is concerned, it runs very smoothly aside from these expected risks. According to the reviews, the CPU Load Generator performs as advertised.

Through the switchable Android Services, users can control what payload is created. As a result, you won’t be surprised by sudden temperature spikes since the way the device generates load is fairly consistent. Use it with caution, however, since it can overheat your CPU and cause your phone to freeze.

CPU Load Generator APK Highlights:

CPU simulation

This APK simulates high CPU usage, making it great for stress-testing systems and apps.


Designed to work with a variety of Android devices, CPU Load Generator APK is compatible with many smartphones and tablets.

Live Monitoring Tools

Users can see how the CPU is performing during tests in real-time with the CPU Load Generator.

Changing load scenarios

A user can control the amount and duration of CPU usage with the app’s load models. Testing can be done in a flexible environment as a result.

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